This matter is subject to joint examination and approval by the Planning Commission and the economic commission. 这件事由计委会同经委审批。
Business licences shall be issued after examination and approval by the Department concerned. 经主管部门核准后,发给营业执照。
We will standardize administrative law enforcement by financial authorities and improve their procedures for administrative examination and approval. 规范财政行政执法,完善财政行政审批程序。
Then your Chinese partner shall submit the project proposal to the authorities concerned for examination and approval. 然后,你的中国伙伴把项目计划递交给有关部门检查和批准。
According to the demand of the WTO, simplify financial examination and approval procedures. 适应世贸组织的要求,精简财政审批手续。
Other investment recovery methods approved by the finance and tax authorities, and examination and approval authorities. 经财政税务机关和审查批准机关批准的其他回收投资方式。
The government has reduced administrative examination and approval items and changed work methods. 减少行政审批事项,转变工作方式。
Documents of examination and approval shall not be issued separately any more. 我局不再另发审核批准文件。
The examination and approval of PAS is not strict enough to ensure the allocation of investment and fund. 保护区审批把关不严,不能确保投资和资金到位。
Lots of jobs have been accelerated to integrate the functions of administrative examination and approval inside the government departments. 加快行政机关内设机构审批职能整合工作,稳步推进现代事业制度改革试点,市级国资公司“三定”方案全面施行。
We should simplify examination and approval procedures for foreign-funded projects that involve high and new technologies and transferred technology. 对高新技术项目和转让技术项目,简化外商投资项目的审批程序。
On Multi-disciplinary Research on Reform of Administrative Examination and Approval System 行政审批制度改革的多学科研究综述
The Research of Delegation Audit Model in Administrative Examination and Approval System 行政审批系统中转授权审计模型研究
The transformation of government functions requires that we reform the system of administrative examination and approval. 改革的艰巨性与体制转换的迫切性转变政府职能,必须改革行政审批制度。
The date of the examination and approval authorities? 审批机关作出核准的日期为企业的终止日期。
Other technology import contracts which the examining and approving organs believe should undergo examination and approval procedures. 审批机关认为应当履行审批手续的其他技术引进合同。
Alteration of equities without approval from examination and approval departments shall be invalid. 未经审批机关批准的股权变更无效。
J2EE-based Online System of Administrative Examination and Approval 基于J2EE的网上行政审批系统的研究
Commercial bank; Examination and approval of loan; Financial analysis; Risk prevention; 商业银行;贷款审批;财务分析;风险防范;
Which deals with all matters concerning examination and approval of foreign-invested projects. 处理一切有关审批外商投资项目的事情。
Other application materials which the examination and approval authorities deem necessary. 审批机关认为有必要提供的其他申报材料。
The establishment of a joint venture within Chinese territory must be subject to the examination and approval by MOFTEC. 在中国境内设立合营企业,必须经对外贸易合作部审查批准。
Administrative procedures for examination and approval were rectified and reduced. 清理和减少了行政审批事项。
The examination and approval organ may require the foreign party to submit a notarized foreign third-party guarantee letter. 审批机关可以要求外方提交经过公证的境外第三者担保书。
Examination and approval for issuing and listing of securities. 证券的发行审查与上市审查。
On Reform of System of Administrative Examination and Approval and Public Security Management 浅论行政审批制度改革与治安管理变革
For matters that shall be subject to examination and approval, authorization or archival filing, the government departments shall make open the corresponding systems, conditions and procedures. 对需要审批、核准和备案的事项,政府部门必须公开相应的制度、条件和程序。
Chapter III Examination and Approval of Application for Patent How to review and approve a factoring proposal? 第三章专利申请的审查和批准如何审批保理的申请建议书?
Formulate personnel training programs and implement such programs following their examination and approval by the board of directors; 制定人员培训计划,经董事会审查批准后执行;
Transforming the government functions in earnest, reducing the links of examination and approval and improving efficiency. 切实转变政府职能,减少审批环节,提高办事效率。